I’ve been hearing a lot of people lately talking about where they ‘should’ be in their lives (sometimes it’s my own voice). Careers, kids, social status, lifestyle etc. and I wonder where the hell we learned this word when it comes to our overall life success?! I don’t know much about the laws of the world but I do know that nowhere does it say that by age 30 everyone must have their ‘shit together’. If so I’m off to jail! This all comes down to our need to compare ourselves to others. Sure in some cases setting a benchmark for success can be a wonderful tool for motivation but when did we start comparing ourselves to EVERYONE and EVERYTHING?! It’s exhausting! I remember when I was a teenager I told my mum I was having children by 25 so that I wouldn’t be an ‘old’ mum. Now I’m 32 with not even a man to father those alleged children in sight and she’s laughing at my plans. Although in my defense I also said I’d never wear skinny jeans or tights and heels. In reality sometimes…


If you’re like me and find yourself sitting down and pondering whether where you are is where you ‘should’ be take a moment and ask yourself:

“Do I have a place to call home?”

“Do I have money in my pocket?”

“Do I have at least one person in my life that I can count on, trust and love?” (Have a think about this one, I bet you have more than you even imagined)

“Have I smiled today?” If not click here:




If you answered yes to these you’re exactly where you ‘should’ be! Of course we all want to have a lot more money and the job of our dreams so that we can retire early and the lifestyle that we always wanted etc. and we all deserve to have those things. But today, in this moment take an opportunity to look at all the things you do have; ask someone to remind you what those things are if you need to! There are stories everywhere of successful people in a similar spot to you. Find that bit of inspiring reality! As one of my teachers says “We are all masters.You have mastered your life up to this point!” Yay Progress!! So yes, make plans, work hard, and strive to be the best you possible but don’t forget that where you are right now is where you ‘should’ be. Right now I’m going back to my life as a single, 30 something, going to school and working part time because that’s exactly where I ‘should’ be.

If you still aren’t totally convinced this is where you ‘should’ be, gimme a call and I can help you get closer to that goal. (Shameless Life Coach plug)

Much Love!
