Ok warning, this may be a bit of a rant but I promise it’s good! I just saw an article about Dr. Oz being scrutinized and made an example of for touting weight loss supplements on his show. He uses words like ‘miracle pill’ and ‘magic’. This gets me a little bit hot under the collar. Dr. Oz is in fact an MD. he has TWO degrees from very prestigious universities. To get those degrees he had to go through very specific and calculated scientific classes, learning the very essence of the human body. He relies on science and research to do his job well and he took an oath to help heal the sick to the best of his ability. Then he goes on television and spouts off claims of ‘magic pills’?! WHAT?!  Medicine is science and research and scrupulous testing; it is not magic. This man is a very influential person. After making these claims on television (who’s audience reaches around the globe) sales of these supplements have sky rocketed. To defend him a little bit, he does promote healthy living and eating, but for someone who has two medical degrees, he isn’t very smart. If you look at the demographic of people who likely watch his show, Dr Oz is reaching, many of them look to his show for answers they may not be interested in finding on their own.What was he thinking?!

When given the choice between taking a supplement that is ‘natural’ and fat burning or actually doing something most people would probably choose the path of least resistance. I’ve been known to go for the easy route myself. I have a tumultuous relationship with the gym. I LOVE candy, cookies and cake, and cheese and wine! I don’t like pre packing lunches all that much. But seriously people, If it was as simple as a little pill, don’t you think we’d notice by now?! Here’s the hard truth: There are NO miracles when it comes to weight loss or your health. People get sick and fat or frail for a multitude of reasons. Most of this is how we live. The only way to be physically healthy is to eat as healthy as possible, as much as possible and to get regular exercise. REAL exercise! Break a sweat! These miracle pills have no scientific proof that they actually work they way he claims.

If it seems too good to be true, it IS!! If you take these supplements, make sure you have researched them yourself as much as possible and use them as part of your healthy lifestyle not in place of eating well or exercising!!

You may be thinking to yourself, great Kendra thanks for the quirky reality check, but what now?! I’m still not feeling the way I want to, or looking how I think I should! I just want to be healthy! I get it.There are SO many messages being thrown at us from so many places.They are all mixed up and confusing and frankly exhausting! Sometimes it’s easier to sit in the muck of habits and complain about it and make excuses. I have been known to throw out an occasional “Diet and exercise plan starts Monday!” as I eat an entire pizza! (Not recommended!!) But I get up on Monday and go to yoga, or for a run and eat nutritious meals. Being healthy in this world isn’t easy but it IS possible!!


I’m not a doctor, a nutritionist or a personal trainer but here are some things you can do to get on the right track without a miracle pill:

1. Drink LOTS of water! Dehydration makes you sleepy, tricks you into thinking you’re hungry and doesn’t allow you to flush toxins out of your body. Most ‘detox’ or ‘lose 5 pounds in 5 days involve drinking a tonne of water. If you drink coffee or even green tea, drink two glasses of water afterwards.

2.Stay away from processed foods. If it comes in a box or a bag it’s probably not good for you! Read your labels and look out for hidden sugars and nasty fats. It sucks when it’s not convenient but unexpected trips to the doctor aren’t very convenient either!  If you are like me and love some of these foods so much that you can’t help but eat the whole pizza or jar of nutella in a couple days DON’T BUY IT!! If you were recovering from heroine addiction you probably wouldn’t buy a bag and put it in your cupboard! Foods (especially sugar filled or salty ones) are addictive! They do the same thing to your brain as crack! Find a delicious alternative. My current favourite is apple slices with almond butter (ingredients in almond butter are: ALMONDS.That’s it!) I added cocoa powder to it once…delish!

3. Exercise. Do it! Do whatever you want but do it! We sit WAY too much!! It’s horrible for our bodies. If this is new, start small. Go for a walk, or a bike ride, or take a class. If you have health problems ask your doctor what you can do to keep moving. You might be sore to start but you WILL adapt! DO NOT use being sore as a reason to stop moving! Even if you’re so sore you shake when you walk down the stairs, keep moving and your muscles will heal that much faster. It’s science. Look it up! Wear good shoes and stretch gently. DO YOGA! It’s my favourite and it has so many more benefits than you imagine!!

4.Be accountable. If you can’t motivate yourself to do these things, find someone who will help you with that. If you’re jonesin’ for some Hagen Daaz, call that person and have them distract you,, or tell you how great you’re doing or distract you! (I clearly can’t focus now that I’ve got ice cream on the brain) Go for a walk with a friend. Schedule it in! Make time to be active and healthy.

5. Be Patient. This isn’t easy! There are going to be days when “Smartfood” (or popcorn crack in a bag as I like to call it) or an entire season on Netflix are calling your name. Please don’t shame yourself if you slip up.  If you spend the weekend in your sweatpants doing anything but what they’re technically meant for, it’s OK! You’re human! Just try to be the best human you can be and know that ONLY you can CHOOSE to be healthy and get back up and try again. When you are doing well,  don’t reward yourself with the habits or foods you know are the problem because that’s a little backwards.  Being healthy is NOT about deprivation either, it’s about moderation. Push yourself and set goals and work hard but do things you enjoy; celebrate accomplishments! Acknowledge failures but don’t DWELL on them. Show yourself some love and understanding. It’s the least you can do.


Ok this is getting long (surprise surprise). So quickly: Don’t believe everything you see on TV. There are no miracle cures. Do the research (the internet is for more than kitten videos). You have the power to be your best self, you just have to try. You CAN be healthy! (Shameless plug:  if you feel like you can’t do it, there are people like myself who are here to help you change that!)

Now, get up and close the computer and go do something fun!!

Much Love!
