No, this post has nothing to do with shampoo but a lot to do with conditioning; and I don’t mean hair! More specifically I mean the conditions we place on our lives. I’m not talking about the ever powerful conditional love that (let’s be serious) we all are guilty of, for a multitude of reasons. (To just love someone for the sake of loving is a little scary!) I would say that probably 99% of our relationships are fostered on getting something out of them! I digress. Let’s put unconditional love aside for a while then and just speak about something similar and SO important. I want to talk about the conditions we put on our lives, ourselves and ultimately our happiness.
We all do it. You know what I’m talking about.
“I’ll quit the job I hate when I have blank saved up”
“We’ll go on our dream vacation when the kids have moved out”
“I can’t break up with them because they have a lot going on right now”
“If I had a partner to share my life with, then I’d be happier”
“If I had more money I could travel”

Something to that effect! You may have said one of these recently or heard someone say them. I’d love to hear more! (Comment section below :D) It’s totally normal to put conditions on our lives but it needs to stop. Now. Because guess what?!


I know what you’re thinking: But Kendra these aren’t excuses! I really really want that trip, that new job, to do that thing I like, blah blah blah. I believe you do! I understand that things aren’t always easy and life isn’t simple. If it was I would be on a tropical beach somewhere writing a novel for fun because I’m rolling in cash. Yes, some things take more work than others and life gets in the way but (and roll with me on this one) what if that was the point?! Sometimes (usually) it’s our own limiting beliefs, not the reality that is getting in the way. We are putting conditions on our lives that aren’t serving us! We all have the power to choose what our lives look like and to be happy. If we put our own conditions on that, then when the things we can’t control come into play it’s that much more of a climb!

So what can you do to prevent letting these conditions get in the way?

Here’s the plan: Get out a piece of paper and write down the things that you want. Everything. Whether it seems completely trivial or completely overwhelmingly nuts. Create your ideal life. (I’ll give you a moment)

Now pick ONE thing on the list that you would like the most. (Nobody is looking, be frivolous) Picture what that looks like. Picture yourself as that, or with that thing. How does it FEEL? Write that down. Next, think of ONE thing you can do today to make that goal or dream a reality and then (finish reading this, liking and sharing it first) DO IT!

Do you kinda feel sick all of a sudden? Have you come up with a billion excuses as to why it can’t be done today? Not enough time? Not enough money? Not even that simple thing you picked to do?!  Of course you did! It’s the natural thing to do. But that’s the only way to get what you want. Start small. Do one thing each day to get you to where you want to be. If you can do two things GREAT! If something happens one day and despite your BEST effort you can’t do it. That’s OK! Do it again tomorrow!! Do NOT give up! Think about how you’ll feel when you get what you want! If the biggest bestest thing on your list seems like it’s just way too much for you to even begin, do it anyway! That’s the point! Doing the next best thing because it might be more achievable is placing a condition on yourself! Get it?

If you find yourself coming up with reasons why this is never going to happen, write them down. Ask yourself how realistic that is. Who or what is ACTUALLY stopping you from being happy? Chances are it’s only you. The good news is, you control you. NOBODY else! If you give your life and power up to things or people outside your control then you condition yourself for failure. If this is too much to handle on your own, ask for help (make sure that help is someone who doesn’t become another condition) Life coaches are great help *wink wink* Now Go! Live! Dream! Do!  Lather, rinse repeat. Forget the conditioning!

Much Love!
